Eye Wear Products

Designer Frames

Whether you are looking for an exclusive designer or value eyewear, you can rest assured that we offer the best quality and warranty our products from defects for one year. Our anti-reflective and anti-scratch coatings are guaranteed for one year against excessive scratching. If a frame should break or a coated lens get scratched, we will replace them once within a year at no charge.

Our office is equipped with a state-of-the-art optical laboratory. This provides you with the luxury of receiving your eyewear very quickly.

Furthermore, we utilize advanced, ultra-precise computerized imaging to precisely configure your lenses for the best possible clarity. We are one of a very select group providing this technology to our patients in the world.

Interactive Eye Glass Guide

Eyewear is fashion AND function... It's an accessory that reflects your personality. You'll find one of the largest designer eyewear selections in the area at Visionworks Optometry!

  • Skilled, certified opticians

  • On-site adjustments, alignments & repairs

  • Precision lenses for optimum vision!

  • Designer frames!

  • One Year Warranty against breakage on most frames

  • Special frames for kids, sports, occupational, and lifestyle needs

  • Specialized lenses of all types

  • Customized prescription lenses designed for your sport or occupation!

Ocean Park Optometry offers so many beautiful options! We carry a huge selection of frames including:

  • Calvin Klein

  • Cutler and Gross

  • Dita

  • Dragon

  • l.a.Eyeworks

  • Matsunaga

  • Maui Jim

  • Persol

  • Prada

  • Ray-Ban

  • ​​​​​​​Salt

  • Silhouette

  • Tom Ford

  • ​​​​​​​and more


Do you like the clear, crisp vision through a sports sunglass, but the frame is not your style? We can fit any frame that you choose with custom Maui Jim lenses. Now you can have the vision without compromising the style. You can trust that we will always include 100% UV protection in every sunglass from our office.

Sport Eyewear
Sport lenses must always be made of polycarbonate or trivex material. These materials are the only ones with built-in impact resistance to protect against injury. For higher prescriptions, we recommend the Poly 1.0 aspheric lenses, which make them much thinner, yet have the same impact resistance. Whether they are goggles or regular frames, we can help to make your eyewear safe for sports.

We offer cleaning cloths and cleaning sprays. We provide contact lens starter kits with every contact lens examination free of charge. We will order clip-on sunglasses for your frame if available from the manufacturer. If not available, we can have it custom-made. Maui Jim makes very fashionable eyeglass cases that can be purchased separately for your eyewear. We have these in stock. If you have a particular item in mind, we will try our best to supply it to you. Just let us know!

For those of you with dry eyes, we offer Oasis Tears Plus, a revolutionary lubricating drop that lasts for hours to keep your eyes moisturized, not available at any retail stores.

If you are concerned about macular degeneration, ask about Macuhealth supplements, which provide protection against the disease by increasing the pigment density of your macula, proven in medical studies and recommended by specialists. We have these items in stock at the office.

For dry eyes due to oil deficiency and for macular degeneration, omega 3 supplementation is recommended. We offer Tear Support Plus, which is the best formulation for best absorption and results.

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