Contact Lenses

​​​​​​​Optimal contact lens vision and comfort require proper follow-up care. We specialize in contact lenses including hard to fit conditions like bifocal and astigmatism. Dr. Ito sees contact lens patients from the entire region because of her specialty in Keratoconus (distorted corneal curvature) and fitting the patient after having corneal transplants. We consider all possible options of contact lenses to determine what is best for your eyes. Careful follow-up ensures you have the best contact lens for your comfort, vision and eye health.

High Toric Contacts
If you wear a toric contact lens because of astigmatism and have been told that you can't wear disposable lenses, your time is here! New technology has made it possible to have even some high powers available in one day, two week or monthly replacement lenses. Give us a call, or stop into our contact lens department to find out if we have your prescription in the new Toric Daily Disposable Contact Lenses!

Orthokeratology: Reduce or eliminate your near-sightedness

Click here to visit our ortho-k website

To order Unique Ph for rigid lenses, please Click Here.

Ordering is available by professional referral. Our office code is 008-410-M.

Correct your vision while you sleep with safe, non-surgical corneal molding lenses. This is an effective method of reducing your low to moderate nearsightedness, which allows you to see without glasses or contact lenses during the day. Dr. Ito is a certified provider and a member of the Orthokeratology Academy of America. She herself has been using CRT for many years and her children are now benefiting from this correction modality.

Importance of Proper Care
It is important to remember that contact lenses are prescription medical devices. Various brands are designed and manufactured differently. The selection of a particular contact lens needs to be based on your vision problems, prescription, eye health, comfort requirements, lifestyle, age and physiological factors like tear flow. We'll discuss the different lens types and brands with you and advise you about the lens choices that are best for your eyes. Because everyone's eyes and vision needs are different, contact lenses are available with varying schedules for removal and replacement. We'll teach you how to properly clean and wear your new contact lenses to maximize vision and minimize potential risks.

At Ocean Park Optometry we make sure that vision correction not only helps you see better, but also helps you feel better. That's why we offer contact lens evaluations. Contact lenses aren't right for everyone, but they may be right for you. Even if you have astigmatism or need bifocal lenses, we may have a solution. Your evaluation will include:

  • A look at your vision history

  • An examination of your corneas

  • A consultation session with your doctor, including recommendations and options

Call or email us today for a contact lens evaluation. Enjoy the freedom contact lenses provide!

Correct your vision while you sleep with safe, non-surgical corneal molding lenses. This is an effective method of reducing your low to moderate nearsightedness, which allows you to see without glasses or contact lenses during the day. Dr. Ito is a certified provider and a member of the Orthokeratology Academy of America. She herself has been using CRT for many years and her children are now benefiting from this correction modality.

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