Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) and Its Connection to Learning Disabilities

Binocular vision dysfunction is a condition that impacts how the eyes work as a team. It leads to poor eye coordination and depth perception. The eye misalignment that causes BVD can arise from medical conditions, injuries, and genetics, among others. Most people overlook binocular vision dysfunction as the reason for learning difficulties. But understanding their connection is vital. 

Binocular Vision Dysfunction Symptoms

The severity of your condition or type of eye misalignment determines the symptoms. The most common ones include the following:

  • Difficulty reading.

  • Fatigue.

  • Poor sports participation.

  • Headaches. 

Children with binocular vision dysfunction struggle to pay attention in school. They also have poor hand-eye coordination.

Connection of BVD to Learning Disabilities 

Binocular vision dysfunction can affect a child's learning and development. They may struggle with math, writing, and reading. A child can have difficulty completing tasks such as writing due to poor motor skills. Children with binocular vision dysfunction have difficulty paying attention in class. As a result, this can make learning difficult, and they may also struggle to keep information.

BVD has a link to other learning disabilities like autism, dyslexia, and ADHD. Most of these conditions can coexist with BVD. Thus, identifying the underlying problem may become difficult. The specialist can identify the problem early. Your child can receive proper treatment. Doing so can reduce BVD symptoms together with those from other learning difficulties.

Diagnosis of BVD

Diagnosing binocular vision dysfunction starts with a comprehensive eye examination. The exam includes testing eye muscle function, visual acuity, and binocular vision. You may also undergo further diagnostic tests. They may include visual field, stereo acuity testing, and computerized eye tracking.

Treatment of BVD

Regular eye exams play a primary role in managing binocular vision dysfunction. Doing so helps with the early detection of the condition. It helps ensure proper accommodation and treatment. Children should have annual eye exams—more so for those with BVD or other eye conditions. Parents can help their children improve their hand-eye coordination and visual motor skills. Occupational therapists may employ unique activities and exercises to help improve visual memory. 

It also helps with visual tracking and hand-eye coordination. These specialists can also help children by using perceptual-motor training. It can aid them with a better understanding of their environment and bodies.

BVD treatment includes vision therapy, which may happen in various forms. It entails using specialized glasses or prisms and some eye exercises. Your specialist may suggest surgery if the case is severe. But a surgical procedure is often the last resort.

Why Early Detection Is Vital

Early detection of BVD is essential. It helps give children the appropriate accommodations and treatments. Children may experience development and learning difficulties if they do not get treatment. As a result, the lack of attention and treatment can affect their social and academic success.

Children with binocular vision dysfunction need the necessary support and accommodations in class. They need all the help so that they can have academic success. They may need assistive reading programs or assistive technology like magnifiers. 

For more on BVD, visit Ocean Park Optometry at our office in Santa Monica, California. Call (310) 452-1039 to book an appointment today.

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