6 Tips to Prevent Dry Eye Symptoms

Nearly everyone experiences dry eye symptoms at some point. However, dry eyes are more than a temporary annoyance for some people. For such individuals, dry eye is a constant problem known as dry eye syndrome that demands ongoing management. This prevalent disorder happens when the eyes produce poor-quality or inadequate tears. 


Common Dry Eye Symptoms


  • Blurred vision

  • Red eyes

  • Foreign body sensation in the eyes

  • Stinging or burning in the eyes

  • Eye fatigue

  • Itchy eyes

  • Light sensitivity

  • Contact lens discomfort


Some of the ways to prevent dry eyes include: 


Blink Often


Blinking keeps your eyes moist and healthy. When you blink, your eyelids spread your tears over your eyes, continuously redistributing them to ensure they remain moist and hydrated. 


Apply Artificial Tears


Artificial tears can quickly relieve dry eye symptoms caused by inadequate or low-quality natural tears. They are available over the counter in ointments, drops, gel inserts, and gels. If you use them more than four times daily, it is best to choose a preservative-free brand. 


Cut Down on Screen Time


Do you often feel the urge to rub your eyes after staring at a digital screen for extended periods? If so, that is because you tend to blink less often when staring at a screen, which dries out your eyes. Studies suggest that people blink about 66 percent less when using a digital screen than other activities. Also, screens affect how quickly tears evaporate. 


Cutting your screen time can prevent or relieve dry eye symptoms. If you need to use a computer for your work, the 20-20-20 technique for screen use can protect your eyes. You should focus on something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds after every 20 minutes of screen time.


Consume Less Alcohol


Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect your eyes. It can dehydrate your eyes and affect your tear production. Also, it can cause digestion problems and make it harder for your body to absorb vitamins, affecting your eye health. So, reducing alcohol intake can help relieve your dry eye symptoms.


Stay Hydrated


Dehydration can cause your eyes to become dry, like the rest of your body. So, drinking plenty of water can help keep your eyes hydrated, easing your dry eye symptoms. If you suffer from dry eye disease, experts recommend consuming eight to ten glasses of water daily.


Get Enough Sleep


A good night’s sleep is essential for your health. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate many health issues, including dry eye syndrome. The symptoms can worsen due to the eyes receiving fewer nutrients at night and remaining open all day.


If you suffer from meibomian gland dysfunction or blepharitis, cleansing your eyes every night or using a warm compress can ensure your symptoms do not worsen at night. 




Before you take any steps to address your symptoms, consult your eye doctor to ensure the steps are appropriate for you and your overall health. If you frequently suffer from dry eyes, the tips discussed above can help prevent your symptoms from ruining your quality of life.


For more on dry eye syndrome, visit Ocean Park Optometry at our Santa Monica, California office. Call (310) 452-1039 to schedule an appointment today.

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